So it surely doesnt feel like summer time in NYC
but Who cares ladies
why not start early for when we are ready to get those bikinis out
this is a awesome product from bliss
love handler helps to firm abs and thighs
and fat girl slim helps to get rid of that cellulite
clinical studies on love handler show:
• After 6 weeks, over 50% of testers saw a reduction in the appearance of bloating in the abdominal area.
• 50% of testers saw a reduction in the appearance of cellulite and an improvement in tone and contour of the waist.*
*Results reported from an independent clinical study conducted over a 6-week period.
check it out ladies
contrary to popular beliefs, no cream and or massages can rid us of pockets of fact beneath the skin's surface. The cream may tighten skin and make it appear firmer( like the effect when you use a good lotion on ur face or body) but it doesnt actually rid you of the problem. Your chances are better with excercise. althought i wish these things did what they advertised