Man oh! Man.... Who knew i would develop a passion so deep that it would become the major reason why im losing all this sleep. but yet at the same time when the job is done still HAS THE ABILITY to tickle my fancy.
You see us MAKE-UP artist are all one in the same, but its that passion that u build up behind each stoke in the movement of every brush that sets you aside from most and makes u that individual. i bet my life on my future that i will be Great. I pepper have all the dedication and motivation that it takes. My journey Still has Just began and it wont end until everybody is singing me a sweet song. FOR the mean while ill be using my best effort to capture that thing that i see every night when i close my eyes. THAT DREAM...
Sweets dreams are made of lipstick and eye shadow palettes oyea and of me =)
-signed pep. of composition inc.

behind every bad girl is a scent of marc jacob daisys and hot pink lipstick stains ...chow

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