This months contest winner is
Gogi Singh..
she will be winning possie tint blush from benifit, bad gal lash waterproof mascara
urban decay midnight cowboy cream shadow and stilla eyeshadow
and a little something special from me
i loved her story:
heres her story for everyone to read!
I have always thought of my mother as the most beautiful, inspirational women in this entire world growing up. I would admire everything about her and watch her closely.
When she was out, I would play dress-up in her clothes, march around in her high heels while cautiously securing a huge belt buckle around my wasit lol.
I would sit for countless hour's infront of her vanity mirror mimicking every pat, and stroke using any possible form of application, using finger tips, brushes, cotton balls and q-tips. You would think I was a pro! lol at the age of 6 MY WORST CHILDHOOD BEAUTY MISTAKE?
I knew I couldnt get away with sneaking more than 2 items of makeup from my mom so I took a bright red lipstick and a bright 80's inspired eye pallete which consisted of a banana yellow hot pink and electric blue and snuck it in my school bag.
My mother would walk me to class and kiss me goodbye without knowing my secret classroom ritual which involved HER makeup!
Without a mirror I would run the red lipstick over my lips, take a second to blot and dab it on my cheeks in circular spiral motions. I used my fingertips to stroke the three eyeshadow colors in the pallette and ran them across my eyelids in a zig zag motion going upwards to my eyebrows.
I WAS A MESS! but sat tall in my classroom seat with the biggest smile and confidence you'd ever see lol...Of course my mom found out and explained that "makeup is for mommys" and put an end to it. (Im actually very glad she did at that point lol)
Up until today when I run into familiar faces and former classmates they ALWAYS bring up the embarrasing makeup look I put together every morning in class lol while I constantly look for ways to change the subject.
In middle school I shaved my eyebrows and penciled them every morning! they were thin and horrible and I used to wear bucket hats any chance I got, even while going to bed. Oneday in my science class I left my lifesaving eyebrow pencil in my desk and didnt return to school because of a flu for 1 week. When I got back to class the entire class started laughing at me and my teacher who was a comedian on the side lol had a smirk on her face....
so I asked "whats so funny?" and she tossed my eyebrow pencil to me and said IS THIS THE REASON YOU WERE ABSENT FOR 1 WEEK?....again the class was filled with laughter including myself...
(Turns out the class thought I was away because I was eyebrow less from the pencil I left in my desk) it was funny and embarrasing
Congrats to her!! Her story was toooooo cute!!!