There's times I purchase things there's times when I'm given things.
I base how much I like something on how much i use. When i use it all the way to the bottom and purchase it over. lol
I get bored with body products
so some of things I have don't make the cut of my must haves.

A while back I did a review on this duo which I'm purchasing again it was given to me by a friend & I loved it!!! I used this until the container was completely empty.
I just love the idea that there's a whipped texture on the on side and thicker body butter texture on the other side.
I always mix body butters & lotions to get the texture I want so this saves me so much time

A also picked up a travel body scrub and body butter along with a Moroccan Rose body mist which I love to keep in purse.

Downtown Pepper <3
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