Denver knows Tyme White as...well, just that. An achiever in the Montbello community who was a leader in her school as a Mile High Scholar and captain of her cheerleading squad, in her church as the Rocky Mountain Representative for the first annual Global Young People's Convocation & Legislative Assembly in Johannesburg, South Africa, and in other extracurricular programs such as gymnastics, track & field, volleyball, and yearbook committee, among others. But the world knows her as Tyme the Infamous. A daring, 21-year-old fashion guru that turned her love of fashion into a blossoming career as an aspiring model. After attending summer classes at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM) in California her senior year of high school one thing led to another. "I saw the possibilities and opportunities where endless. Fashion was never something that was given as an option as a career at my high school. But it was a whole nother world at FIDM. It was nothing but kids who were in the know of fashion that knew about setting trends just like me. They knew the Galliano's and the Lagerfield's. To be surrounded by an enviornment of so many creative minds was refreshing, and I think, that was the start of who I really became." After her first photoshoot with Andrew Fashion Photography and Bogdan Photography, it took off from there and led to her building her portfolio with IF-Dynamics (CO) who shot her for her first nationally published magazine feature as a Crème de la Crème model in J'ADORE Magazine. That recognition led to her working with Quentin Miles Photography (DC), GW Photography (OK & NY), GMK Photography (CO), The James Studio (CO), and her most recent shoot for Philly-based magazine 'American Dreaming' with Michael Quinn Photography. "After having built my image and learning what look I was going to use to sell myself, I packed up and moved to New York." Leaving behind a full scholarship at the University of Colorado at Denver, her career as a MAC make-up artist, and her family, Tyme knew she had to prove herself. "That was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life. To tell my mom I was dropping out of school for modeling. I actually went to the office to drop all my classes before I even told her. I was scared to death! But it was killing me to sit in those English and Psychology classes. All I ever thought about was fashion fashion fashion. I knew New York was where it was at." Tyme began auditioning at castings and submitting to agencies. "I've auditioned for America's Next Top Model three times, Ford's Supermodel of the World, and I even went to Los Angeles to find Janice Dickinson. That was a mess. I went out there with only $70 to my name. Walked up and down Sunset Blvd. I got all ready and had my portfolio, got there and her agency wasn't there. Then someone said its here, another person would say its there, so I ended up coming up empty handed. But I can say something good did come from that trip." I met with Fingaz who works with Cube Vision and through him I met Theo from 90210 Talent. They want to sign me as a model for national campagins and that sort of thing but I have to be local to sign the contract. So that's what I'm working on now. So since then I've moved back from New York to save up to go to California. But who knows where I'll be next. I just go wherever the opportunity is. That's how bad I want it. I'll make it by any means necessary."
I am: an only child
I love: breakfast dinners
I can't live without: Snob lipstick
I can't sleep without: my teddy bear Brownie
I can't sleep with: clothes
I don't leave the house without: My rosary and shades
I have a fascination with: the Illuminati
I absolutely love: Times Square and the Brownie Obsession from TGIF
Posted by : Downtown Pepper
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