To the world she is a amazing internet sweetheart! she somehow gathered over 11,000 followers on twitter & 1,819,356 viewers on Her Youtube channel people seem to be facsinated with her obsession with pink! To me Shes Pinky on of my besties! who moved away to Wyoming :(
So As a Treat i decided to feature her on my blog discussing her beauty and what she wears ! obviously pink but theres more!
Pinky doesnt wear any foundation she has flawless skin she wears her essential which consist of the following
Revlon Color stay Very Black
Revlon Light Medium Concealer
Falsies Mascara from Maybelliene
She takes vitamins ! which is a plus
and along with that her new addition from mac !
Pinkys Normal Look Consist of a Very Black Cat Eye without the intense wing
Tons of mascara
Pink Petal Lipstick & a little bit of concealer
short and sweet!
Pinky is soon to be 23 years old and her skin looks awesome !
i think this is a great example of light make-up forever day!
During our time in soho i took her to mac to pick-up something
she wanted me to pick out the perfect pink for her!
she got Pink Nuevo which is also worn by rapper nicki minaj
Downtown Pepper 

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